I've been inspired by a new website called Off Our Chests. Because frankly, sometimes being a girl sucks. And I wish this was around when I was younger. And i know this theme is a little cliche, but oh well.
Dear 16 Year Old ME:
You're Good Enough. You're Smart Enough. And Gosh Darn It People Like You!
So maybe only 2/3 of those qualities are true right now. People may not be danging down your door to be your friend. You're going to date some awful guys. You're going to get in a fight with you best friend. You're going to find that life isn't nearly as great as it looks in movies and and on TV.
Sounds fantastic doesn't it?
Well it gets better, I promise. College is a blast. You make wonderful friends that love you for the great caring person you are. They know you better than you know yourself sometimes, and they are always there. You're going to get a bad grade or two and its not the end of the world. There will be world tragedies, and wars. There will be heartache and pain.
But don't worry. Because that part about you being good enough and smart enough? Its true. Its what makes you the friend you are. The creative soul you are often awed for. And the soulmate of a boy you used to hate. (That tall blonde drummer guy, yeah, him. He's the one.)
You're going to marry your best friend. You're going to have an amazing home. A great relationship with your parents, and even your brother.
You're going to grow up and all of the things that seem to suck while you are 16 are going to seem petty and small in comparison to the rest of the world.
The 30 Year Old ME
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