I am ordering a huge amount of the clearance eyelets at Eyeletoutlet.com and i don't need nearly as many that come in the packages. (200 eyelets of various shades ie: 200 shades of pink eyelets)
I am willing to split these with 2 other people (splitting the cost and postage 3 ways, total) if anyone is interested. Please let me know! I will accept payment through paypal (or check if you prefer, but you'll have to wait for it to clear). Please email me: katrovato@gmail.com by Sunday evening if interested!!
The cost will be $7 each- this will include the shipping from the company, and my shipping costs to mail it back out to you.
Total you will get at least 450 eyelets in the following shade: pink, blue, green, purple, brown, orange and yellow. (tha means roughly 60-64 of each shade!)
EDIT*** Eyelet Share group is filled! They have shipped from eyelet outlet and will be on their way!
Karyn, I will totally split it with you. I can paypal you if that will work best. ;)